Ready for Life Ministries

Always Be Ready

Helping all to always be spiritually ready for life—for this life and the next.

Ready for Life Ministries Spiritual Exercise #2

Determining Levels of Motivation to Help Achieve Perfect Love

The design of this exercise is to help you become more aware of your motivations so that you can address the areas of your life that aren't motivated by service or love for God, i.e. motivations rooted in fear, selfishness, etc. 

Below are the 9 levels of spiritual motivation. Levels 1-7 come from Benedictine spirituality, and we added levels 0 and 8.

0) No concern for the afterlife, heaven or hell

1) Fear of condemnation (going to hell)

2) Fear of breaking laws

3) Fear of breaking social norms

4) Serving oneself (self-care & self-satisfaction

5) Serving others

6) Achieving salvation (going to heaven)

7) Serving God out of pure love for God

8) ∞ - Infinite possibilities

Assess all the areas of your life—family, friends, work, community service, etc. Determine motivations driven by fear, service (and service of whom both directly and indirectly), and pure love for God. Also assess how the 7 Deadly Sins may intertwine in the motivations within the various areas of your life. If you’re a practicing Christian, level 0 can be omitted. Level 8 can also be omitted for now.

Please come up with a detailed written response of your assessments. The response is for your eyes only, and they're to ensure that everything is thoroughly addressed. Again, you’re highly encouraged to be in a state of grace when going through this exercise and to receive spiritual direction after going through it to ensure that you're being guided by the Holy Spirit. Below are some examples within each level of motivation.

1) Fear of condemnation (going to hell)

2) Fear of breaking laws

3) Fear of breaking social norms

4) Serving oneself (self-care & self-satisfaction)

5) Serving others

6) Achieving salvation (going to heaven)

7) Serving God out of pure love for God

8) ∞ - Infinite possibilities

Here you can find a printer-friendly copy of Ready for Life Ministries Spiritual Exercises #1-2.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns about these exercises, please email