Ready for Life Ministries


Helping all to always be spiritually ready for life—for this life and the next.

Looking for meaning and purpose?

If being prepared for the next life allows you to live lovingly, joyfully, peacefully, harmoniously, and fearlessly with meaning and purpose in this life, would you like to prepare for it?

Do you worry?  Are you angry? Are you depressed?  Are you stressed?  Are you caught in a snare?  Have you lost hope?  Do you lose your peace often?  Or is life miserable?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the above questions, chances are that you haven't found the deepest meaning of and purpose for your life or you have but haven't received all the tools needed to properly pursue the endeavor.  If you'd like to find more meaning and purpose or would like to be provided the tools to fulfill your purpose in life, please allow us to assist you.  In addition to helping you to live more lovingly, joyfully, peacefully, harmoniously, and courageously, we would like help you discover your destiny and help provide you the means to fulfill it.

What is life's meaning and purpose for you?  What is your destiny?

Let's begin by answering these questions: What is the meaning and purpose of life?  What are 8 billion people doing in this world?  Why were you born into this world?  What is your destiny?  How well are you fulfilling your destiny?  Where will you go after your death?

Do you believe in life after death?

Does a part of you live on after your body dies?  Do you have a consciousness or spirit that lives on after your physical body expires?


This is the Only Life

If you hold this position, you are strongly urged to study further and soul-search some more. Based on the laws of physics alone, matter cannot be created out of nothing.  Thus, the universe cannot create itself and needs one or more creators.

Because of the existence of the creator(s), the contemplation of the existence of this realm that's absent of its creator(s) (barring supernatural manifestations) is fundamental to determining your destiny.  When you're open to the possibility that there is at least one creator and an afterlife, please consider one of the other options.


Eternal Life

There's life after death, and it's either eternal reward or eternal punishment that's incumbent upon what you believe and how you live your present life.  The eternal reward is commonly known as heaven while the eternal punishment is commonly known as hell.



There's life after death in a series of, potentially never-ending cycle, rebirths into various realms.  Simply put, what you believe in your present life and how you live it will determine your rebirth(s) in the life(lives) after.

While both eternal life and reincarnation depend on your beliefs and actions, please know that your belief of the afterlife greatly influences how you'll live this current life.  It can create a reinforcing feedback loop.  For instance, if you believe in reincarnation, your slothful nature may take precedence, procrastinating until a possible future rebirth to realize spiritual perfection.  If you believe that this is the only life you have to obtain eternal life, the urgency for you to become spiritually perfect is much greater.  Consequently, you'll likely demand more of yourself, and you'll try with greater vigor to meet the demand.

Ready for Life Ministries recognizes and respects all religious beliefs and their afterlife alternatives.  However, we take the most urgent alternative, leaving nothing to chance in the next life.  As you may already know, nothing is guaranteed, except for the present moment.  Likewise, no life is guaranteed, except for the present life.  Therefore, we will be diligent to address these pressing matters in this life.

What are the means to discern your destiny?

Destiny usually involves at least a few layers.  In the overarching layer, the common layer of destiny among humanity, can be seen as somewhat binary: to be doing the will of the heavens, to disregard it, or to do so in part.  Does your life, your actions, and your intentions align with the heavens?  In other words, are you promoting the everlasting in this temporal realm with everything that you do?  To name a few, are you promoting goodness, wisdom, understanding, patience, kindness, justice/proper conduct, honesty, temperance, chastity, generosity, diligence, humility, longanimity, equanimity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, prudence, fortitude, piety, compassion, charity/love, joy, peace, hope, and faith?  Or do you promote some level of mal-intent, which can include one or more of the following: killing, theft, sexual misconduct, falsehood, gossip, anger, envy, intoxication, slothfulness, or avarice?

At an intermediate level, your destiny may be connected temporarily or indefinitely to others who share the same or similar desire to serve.  Husbands and wives are the most common examples of this where they may raise the same family together and they may serve the same communities until death do them part.  Additionally, business partners, members of religious communities, and co-ministers are a few other examples.

At a more specific and unique level, your deepest desire to serve will be at the core of your destiny, and this may be made manifest in one or more ways.  In other words, your unique destiny is based on what drives you to serve in the greatest way(s) possible.  Confirmation of this can take varying amounts of time to discover and to discern each part of the spiritual journey.

Below are some discernment considerations that have been borrowed from Iñigo López (a.k.a. Ignatius of Loyola).  They can be used to discern many aspects of the spiritual life, including vocations, career paths, relationships, and destiny.  

Discernment of any kind will always take time.  Some ideas and decisions may only take a few days or weeks.  Others can take months or years to achieve full confirmation of the "long-lasting" desire.  If the deep desire lasts longer than 12 months and continues to burn for years on end along with the confirmation the other 6 questions, you have begun to confirm your destiny.  The depth of this desire may continue to unfold as it continues to manifest itself.  Eventually, you will have unfolded your very deepest desire to serve humanity, and the path to doing so that's unique to you will reveal itself to you.

If you're not already working with a spiritual director, you are highly encouraged to find one who's a good fit for you.  This person should have the same religious beliefs as you do and s/he should be well-trained in spiritual discernment to give spiritual direction.  Below are some spiritual exercises that may help shed light on your destiny.

Whether you're a practicing or non-practicing Christian, these exercises have been designed for those who are at least vaguely familiar with Jesus, a.k.a. the Christ, and his teachings.

For Other Religious

This site will publish new content based on other religions.  Please check back regularly.

For Atheists

If you're a firm believer that no supreme god or gods exist, please reflect deeply on the meaning of life.  Why are you here?  Is your experience merely chemical reactions in your brain?

More content  for Atheists will be published on this site.  Please check back regularly.

Disclaimer: The success in discerning your destiny cannot be guaranteed.  Due to the nature of spiritual warfare, you are highly encouraged to be in a state of grace and seek the aid of a spiritual director to obtain the best results.  That is not to say that not being in a state of grace or not having a spiritual director will impede upon your success, but we must provide cautionary advice based on our experience with spiritual warfare.  There are good forces that are willing to assist you discover your destiny and there are evil forces that wish to deceive you and to keep you from discovering your destiny.

To address hindrances on your joy, peace, or harmony that are related to vice and virtue, please visit the Self-Mastery Challenge.